
A change of name (but not of heart)

Welcome to VIA OPTIMAE!

Me, Alex, as a Bitstrips cartoon.
Try it if you haven't already
— it's highly entertaining! 
My name is Alex and I originally started this site under the name of Didattichiamo! as a way to share the materials and resources that I used (and continue to use) in the study of languages and culture, and Italian in particular.

My intention was to show the fun and engaging side of study as well as create a community of like-minded learners from around the world that could exchange ideas.

My intention hasn’t changed... but my site name and address have!

What's in a name?

VIA means 'street or way' in Italian— I wanted to evoke the idea that this a place to gather, and also a way of thinking or doing.  

OPTIMAE comes from Latin and the AE is pronounced kind of like the ‘ay’ in “say.”  It is part of the famous Latin phrase "HIC MANEBIMUS OPTIMAE" which can be translated as  "Here we'll stay excellently." In Italian, the phrase is often translated as "Qui staremo benissimo"

Here's hoping we all stay (and do) benissimo!

In addition to adding new content, I'm in the process of transferring content from the previous site, so be sure to check the archive


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Frasi celebri su Via Optimae

Frasi celebri su Via Optimae
Acque del sud (To Have and Have Not) original: "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and… blow."