
Eccolo! Here it is!

—the NEW Via Optimae, that is.

Our new site will make it easier to connect as a COMMUNITY and give you better access to fun, interactive content— including discussions, groups,  and even COURSES.

Can't wait to hear what you think!

See you over there!
Alex on

P.S. We're still in the process of transferring all of our materials— some it will be as is, and some will be revised and reworked for our new format.  We'll keep the original site alive in the meantime. Thanks for bearing with us through the transition! 

See also:

Frasi celebri su Via Optimae

Frasi celebri su Via Optimae
Acque del sud (To Have and Have Not) original: "You know how to whistle, don't you, Steve? You just put your lips together and… blow."