
The most-used nouns: no. 008 VITA

n.008 VITA Caffè Dolce Vita a Roma, foto da Guanche, as seen in ITALIAN: The most-used nouns series on Via Optimae,

In this series, we're covering the most used nouns in the Italian language 
(I sostantivi più utilizzati nella lingua italiana)

Numero 8 è…..

 vita (la)

N.008 VITA - life pronunciation & examples excerpt from ITALIAN: The most-used nouns digital magazine from Via Optimae,
N.008 VITA in ITALIAN: The most-used nouns digital magazine

VITA means life, which you might have known because it is part of a famous movie title and often-used phrase:


la dolce vita
the sweet life

Which refers to a life filled with indulgent pleasures and comforts.

You can also say:

la bella vita
the good life
(literally the beautiful life)

fare la bella vita
 to live the good life

Questi sì che fanno la bella vita!:
These guys really are living the good life!:

Pronunciation Note:
When American English speakers say the word vita they have a tendency to pronounce the "T" as more of a "D" sound (because t -> d in between vowels is a common pronunciation rule in American English) In Italian, however,  the "T" should very clearly be a T!

Practice your pronunciation, see more expressions, listen to songs, and more in the newly updated multimedia magazine: 

ITALIAN: The most-used words ITALIAN: The most-used nouns
ITALIAN: The most-used nouns digital magazine

Can you write a sentence using the word vita? Or try Wikiquote and find an aphorism that uses it!

La vita e la bici hanno lo stesso principio, devi continuare a muoverti per stare in equilibrio…
Life and bicycles have the same basic principle, you must keep moving to maintain your balance.  

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Initial photo by Guanche su
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