Fabio Volo's books were some of the first I ever read in Italian. When I first picked up Il tempo che vorrei... I knew very little about the author and his style of writing. As it turns out, his contemporary themes and storylines as well as straightforward prose were the perfect start for a new reader like myself. I was able to pick up new expressions and vocabulary and get more familiar with sentence structure and grammar all while being entertained with a relatable story.
I have since read several of Fabio Volo's books, including:
The plots differ and the main characters in each go by different names, but you can definitely tell it's the same author by their similar "attitudes." Such repetition might be dull to me in English, but reading in a foreign language, I actually found the repetitiveness to be helpful— it allowed me to easily follow the story as well as revisit some of the vocabulary and expressions and really commit them to memory.
You don't have to be very advanced to enjoy a book in a foreign language. It is much easier to recognize more advanced verb tenses and vocabulary than it is to use them correctly, so don't worry if you haven't covered all the tenses or your vocabulary is still small. Just like with anything else, you'll get better the more you do it. If you have to start by looking up every other word, that's ok... just stay committed and you will get better!
Some tips:
Have your dictionary ready. I use wordreference.com because it has the Italian-English dictionary as well as the Italian verb conjugator. It allows you to type any version of the word and it will usually be able to find the "root" of the word. For example, let's say you see the word "sia" in Italian. You might not know that it's a verb or what the root of the verb is. With Word Reference, you can just type "sia" and it will show you which verb it comes from, and what form of the verb it is.
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This tells you that it comes "Dal verbo" (from the verb) essere (to be). It also tells you which conjugation: sia is the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person of the Congiuntivo or Subjunctive as well as the formal Lei command. The context of the book would help you decide which conjugation was used.
As you read, take a pencil and underline words you don't know, then write the definitions in the margins or on a separate piece of paper with the page number so you can find them later.
poppa (la) : stern (of a boat) p. 21
prua (la) : prow p. 21
The benefit to writing the definitions on a separate page is that you can then review the list separately. I like to make flashcards with my vocabulary lists on Quizlet. Here's an example of a vocabulary list I made from the verbs of Il giorno in più:
(Hint: choose different study modes from the drop down on the bottom left. "Flashcard" mode is good for learning the words the first time around. Once you think you've gotten them a little, switch to "Learn." When you can easily pass through the entire list, try playing games like "Scatter".)
Part of the learning process is actually making the flashcards, so I recommend you make your own custom lists for the words you need or want to learn. Until then, you can review some of the other lists I've made based on Fabio Volo's books:
Il giorno in più: Nouns
Il giorno in più: Adjectives/Adverbs
Il tempo che vorrei: Nouns
Il tempo che vorrei: Verbs
Il tempo che vorrei: Adjectives/Adverbs
È una vita che ti aspetto: Nouns
È una vita che ti aspetto: Verbs
È una vita che ti aspetto: Adjectives/Adverbs
Un posto nel mondo: Nouns
Un posto nel mondo: Verbs
Un posto nel mondo: Adjectives/Adverbs
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There are also several other Fabio Volo titles in the original Italian available for purchase at The Book Depository (all with free shipping worldwide!) I also found two titles that have been translated into English and are available in Kindle Versions through Amazon:
Il tempo che vorrei (Italian)
The Book Depository
" 'I'll trade all my tomorrows for a single yesterday: cambierei tutti i miei domani per un solo ieri, come canta Janis Joplin.' È forse proprio questo il tempo che vorrei. Lorenzo non sa amare, o semplicemente non sa dimostrarlo. Per questo motivo si trova di fronte a due amori difficili da riconquistare, da ricostruire: con un padre che forse non c'è mai stato e con una lei che se n'è andata. Forse diventare grandi significa imparare ad amare e a perdonare, fare un lungo viaggio alla ricerca del tempo che abbiamo perso e che non abbiamo più. È il percorso che compie Lorenzo, un viaggio alla ricerca di se stesso e dei suoi sentimenti, quelli più autentici, quelli più profondi. Il nuovo libro di Fabio Volo è anche il più sentito, il più vero, e la forza di questa sincerità viene fuori in ogni pagina. Ci si ritrova spesso a ridere in momenti di travolgente ironia. Ma soprattutto ci si ritrova emozionati, magari commossi, e stupiti di quanto la vita di Lorenzo assomigli a quella di ciascuno di noi."
(all synopses taken directly from Amazon)
The Book Depository
Kindle edition only on Amazon, available Oct. 22
*I haven't read the English translation, but I could see it being very useful to buy both the original Italian and the English translation and using them to study new grammar concepts and vocabulary as well as verify comprehension. —Alex
*I haven't read the English translation, but I could see it being very useful to buy both the original Italian and the English translation and using them to study new grammar concepts and vocabulary as well as verify comprehension. —Alex
"Our house is full of candles that have never been lit. Like the two of us. . . . We don’t live together; we’re killing time together.
Elena is unsatisfied with her life. Her marriage drags on wearily without passion. Then one day, something changes. Feelings of love and desire spring up within her, and Elena realizes that she deserves more; she deserves happiness.
I wondered how many men it took to prepare me. . . . Actually, I realized that the question was wrong—how many women did I have to wear in order to prepare myself?
Told in the voice of a supremely real and honest woman, Daybreak will inspire readers to look at their lives with a renewed sense of independence, fearlessness, and optimism."
Il giorno in più (Italian)
The Book Depository
One more day (English)
Kindle edition on Amazon
"Giacomo’s life could not be more enviable. He is young and good with women, has inherited an apartment, does well at work, and always manages to escape any sort of commitment. But he feels trapped in a monotonous life that shows no signs of changing . . . Who knew success could be so boring? His routine is finally interrupted when a captivating young woman invites him out for coffee, and so begins a love story full of the realities of modern relationships."
"Michele ha un amico, Federico. Uno di quegli amici con i quali dividi tutto: l'appartamento, la pizza e la birra, ma anche i sogni e le frustrazioni, le gioie e i dolori, e qualche volta le donne. Un giorno Federico decide di mollare tutto e partire. Stanco della vita monotona di provincia, se ne va alla
ricerca dell'altra metà di sé. Michele invece resta. Quando torna, dopo cinque anni, Federico è cambiato. Ora è sereno, innamorato di una donna (Sophie) e della vita. Sembra una storia a lieto fine, ma non è così. Federico all'improvviso riparte, stavolta per un viaggio molto più lungo. Ritornerà (a sorpresa) nascosto dietro gli occhi di una bambina, Angelica."
The Book Depository
"Questo libro parla di Francesco che non era felice e invece poi sì. Finito. Un ragazzo di oggi, un trentenne qualunque, con un lavoro stressante, storie di sesso con ragazze diverse, la paura di restare fuori dal branco, la difficoltà di comunicazione con i genitori, il rimpianto e il ricordo dell'infanzia, il rito delle canne e il mito dell'amicizia, quella vera. Un ragazzo che un giorno si accorge di esistere senza vivere davvero, e decide che così non va. Con una buona dose di coraggio e tanta autoironia affronta la depressione, l'ipocondria, il torpore esistenziale. Come? Chiedetelo a Francesco. E a Ilaria.
Perché non vorremmo anticiparvelo, ma in questa storia c'è anche un lieto fine... Fabio Volo esplora con un linguaggio semplice il complesso mondo interiore di tutti e di ognuno.
E racconta come nessun altro l'umorismo, le folgorazioni e le malinconie struggenti di un ragazzo normale."
Buona lettura!
(Happy reading!)
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